prEN 1995-2


Umsagnarfrestur til - 2.1.2024

Enskt heiti:

Eurocode 5 - Design of timber structures - Part 2: Bridges


CEN/TC 250

ICS flokkur:

91.010, 91.080



Umfang (scope):

(1) EN 1995-2 gives general design rules for the structural parts of bridges, i.e. structural members of importance for the reliability of the whole bridge or major parts of it, made of timber or other wood-based materials, either singly or compositely with concrete, steel or other materials.
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Mynd sem fylgir ÍST EN 1995-2:2004

ÍST EN 1995-2:2004

Eurocode 5: Hönnun timburvirkja - Hluti 2: Brýr
Verð: 10.394 kr.