Rafræn reikningagerð - Hluti 1: Gagnalíkan fyrir merkingarbær gögn grunnatriða í rafrænum reikningi
Enskt heiti:
Electronic invoicing - Part 1: Semantic data model of the core elements of an electronic invoice - Rafrænn aðgangur að þessum staðli er kostaður af Evrópusambandinu. Hægt er að sækja skjalið án endurgjalds hér: <a href=http://www.stadlar.is/stadlastarf/fagstadlarad-i-upplysingataekni/taekniforskriftir/rafraenar-taekniforskriftir-og-fleiri-skjoel.aspx> Rafrænt skjal</a>>
CEN/TC 434
ICS flokkur:
Umfang (scope):
Áminning vegna höfundarréttar: ÍST EN 16931-1:2017 og CEN TS 16931-2:2017 sem hér eru gerð aðgengileg eru eign CEN og Staðlaráðs Íslands, sem fara með höfundarétt að efni þeirra. Með samningi Evrópusambandsins og CEN fyrir hönd Staðlaráðs eru skjölin gerð aðgengileg án endurgjalds fyrir notendur þeirra. Öll verk sem endurbirta hluta af ofangreindum stöðlunarskjölum ber að merkja með eftirfarandi höfundréttaráminningu: Í hugbúnaði þessum eru innleidd stöðlunarskjölin ÍST EN 16931-1:2017 og CEN TS 16931-2:2017 og notkun þeirra er með heimild rétthafa, CEN og Staðlaráðs Íslands. Heimildin nær einnig til afleiða þar sem byggt er á innihaldi stöðlunarskjalanna eða þau notuð að hluta eða í heild. CEN og Staðlaráð Íslands bera enga ábyrgð á framkvæmd innleiðingar eða notkun efnisins sem stöðlunarskjölin hafa að geyma eða ábyrgð á skaða sem notkun hugbúnaðarins getur valdið. Sækja rafrænt skjal án endurgjaldsThis European Standard establishes a semantic data model of the core elements of an electronic invoice. The semantic model includes only the essential information elements that an electronic invoice needs to ensure legal (including fiscal) compliance and to enable interoperability for cross-border, cross sector and for domestic trade. The semantic model may be used by public and private sector organizations for public procurement invoicing. It may also be used for invoicing between private sector enterprises. This European Standard complies at least with the following criteria: - it is technologically neutral; - it is compatible with relevant international standards on electronic invoicing; - it has regard to the need for personal data protection in accordance with Directive 95/46/EC [4], to a ‘data protection by design’ approach and to the principles of proportionality, data minimization and purpose limitation; - it is consistent with the relevant provisions of Directive 2006/112/EC [2]; - it allows for the establishment of practical, user-friendly, flexible and cost-efficient electronic invoicing systems; - it takes into account the special needs of small and medium-sized enterprises as well as of sub-central contracting authorities and contracting entities; - it is suitable for use in commercial transactions between enterprises.
Hafðu samband í síma 520-7150 varðandi þennan staðal.
This European Standard establishes a semantic data model of the core elements of an electronic invoice. The semantic model includes only the essential information elements that an electronic invoice needs to ensure legal (including fiscal) compliance and to enable interoperability for cross-border, cross sector and for domestic trade. The semantic model may be used by organizations in the private and the public sector for public procurement invoicing. It may also be used for invoicing between private sector enterprises. It has not been specifically designed for invoicing consumers.This European Standard complies at least with the following criteria:- it is technologically neutral;- it is compatible with relevant international standards on electronic invoicing;- the application of this standard should comply with the requirements for the protection of personal data of Directive 95/46/EC, having due regard to the principles of privacy and data protection by-design, data minimizat