This technical report aims to analyze the previous and the current situation in Iceland regarding e-invoicing and identify the ways in which the circumstances can be improved and with what purpose. The report also examines the issues that have hindered Iceland’s progress on the path towards a country-wide e-invoicing implementation and points outthe specific factors that are likely needed to overcome those obstacles.This is the second publication of this report, it updates the first publication with the analysis of the results of the second data gathering on e-invoicing practices in Iceland, conducted by Icepro in 2020. This TR takes into account the latest surveys on the use of e-invoicing in Iceland, carried out by Icepro in August 2019 and October 2020, and discusses methodologies applied in different countries. The experiences of other Nordiccountries have been of particular interest in that aspect, specifically given the similarities with the Icelandic market and their high