ÍST EN ISO 22000:2005

Breyting á innskráningu

Kæru viðskiptavinir, Vegna breytinga hjá Ísland.is þarf Staðlaráð Íslands að skipta yfir í nýtt innskráningarkerfi í vefverslun sinni. Innskráningin sjálf breytist ekki að ráði og byggir áfram á notkun rafrænna skilríkja notenda en þau fyrirtæki sem hafa gefið starfsmönnum umboð vegna reikningsviðskipta eða áskriftarsamninga þurfa að endurnýja þau umboð í nýju kerfi. Eldra kerfi verður tekið úr sambandi 1. september og því mikilvægt að ráðast í nauðsynlegar breytingar strax til að tryggja hnökralausa aðlögun og koma í veg fyrir töf á viðskiptum. Leiðbeiningar um aðgerðir má finna hér.


Fellur úr gildi - 1.9.2018

Enskt heiti:

Food safety management systems - Requirements for any organizations throughout the food chain

Tengdur staðall:

ISO 22000:2005



ICS flokkur:




Umfang (scope):

Food safety management systems - Requirements for any organizations throughout the food chain

Hafðu samband í síma 520-7150 varðandi þennan staðal.

Mynd sem fylgir ÍST EN ISO 22000:2018

ÍST EN ISO 22000:2018

This document specifies requirements for a food safety management system (FSMS) to enable an organization that is directly or indirectly involved in the food chain: a) to plan, implement, operate, maintain and update a FSMS providing products and services that are safe, in accordance with their intended use; b) to demonstrate compliance with applicable statutory and regulatory food safety requirements; c) to evaluate and assess mutually agreed customer food safety requirements and to demonstrate conformity with them; d) to effectively communicate food safety issues to interested parties within the food chain; e) to ensure that the organization conforms to its stated food safety policy; f) to demonstrate conformity to relevant interested parties; g) to seek certification or registration of its FSMS by an external organization, or make a selfassessment or self-declaration of conformity to this document. All requirements of this document are generic and are intended to be applic
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