ÍST EN ISO 14021:2001


Fellur úr gildi - 25.9.2016

Íslenskt heiti:

Umhverfismerkingar og yfirlýsingar - Umhverfisstaðhæfingar að eigin frumkvæði (II. tegund umhverfismerkingar

Enskt heiti:

Environmental labels and declarations - Self-declared environmental claims (Type II environmental labelling)

Tengdur staðall:

ISO 14021:1999


ISO/TC 207

ICS flokkur:




Umfang (scope):

Umhverfismerkingar og yfirlýsingar - Umhverfisstaðhæfingar að eigin frumkvæði (II. tegund umhverfismerkingar

Hafðu samband í síma 520-7150 varðandi þennan staðal.

Mynd sem fylgir ÍST EN ISO 14021:2001/A1:2011

ÍST EN ISO 14021:2001/A1:2011

Umhverfismerkingar og yfirlýsingar - Umhverfisstaðhæfingar að eigin frumkvæði (II. tegund umhverfismerkingar
Verð: 5.044 kr.
Mynd sem fylgir ÍST EN ISO 14021:2016

ÍST EN ISO 14021:2016

ISO 14021:2016 specifies requirements for self-declared environmental claims, including statements, symbols and graphics, regarding products. It further describes selected terms commonly used in environmental claims and gives qualifications for their use. This International Standard also describes a general evaluation and verification methodology for self-declared environmental claims and specific evaluation and verification methods for the selected claims in this International Standard. ISO 14021:2016 does not preclude, override, or in any way change, legally required environmental information, claims or labelling, or any other applicable legal requirements.
Verð: 10.411 kr.