ÍST EN 438-7:2005


Gildistaka - 31.7.2005

Íslenskt heiti:

Háþrýstimótaðar lagskiptar skreytiplötur (HPL) - Plötur sem eru byggðar á hitaherðandi resínum (yfirleitt kallaðar lagskiptar þynnur) - 7. hluti: Þéttar lagskiptar plötur og HPL plötur úr samsettum efnum til nota utanhúss og innanhúss á veggi og í loft

Enskt heiti:

High-pressure decorative laminates (HPL) - Sheets based on thermosetting resins (Usually called laminates) - Part 7: Compact laminate and HPL composite panels for internal and external wall and ceiling finishes


CEN/TC 249

ICS flokkur:



Umfang (scope):

Háþrýstimótaðar lagskiptar skreytiplötur (HPL) - Plötur sem eru byggðar á hitaherðandi resínum (yfirleitt kallaðar lagskiptar þynnur) - 7. hluti: Þéttar lagskiptar plötur og HPL plötur úr samsettum efnum til nota utanhúss og innanhúss á veggi og í loft
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Mynd sem fylgir prEN  438-7

prEN 438-7

This document specifies characteristics for compact laminate panels and HPL composite panels both for non-structural uses in interior or external wall and ceiling finish applications (including in suspended ceiling). This document deals with compact laminate panels of thickness 2 mm and greater. The compact laminate panels are produced by using a high pressure process and the HPL composite panels are produced bonding an HPL sheet to a substrate. This document covers compact laminate panels with the following types of laminates: - compact laminates, as defined in EN 438 4:2016; - exterior-grade compact laminates, as defined in EN 438 6:2016; - pearlescent compact laminates, metal compact laminates and wood veneer compact laminates, as defined in EN 438 8:2018; - coloured core layer compact laminates and metal reinforced core layer compact laminates, as defined in EN 438 9:2017. This document covers full size and cut-to-size compact laminate panels and HPL composite panels, e.g.
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