ÍST EN 1997-2:2007


Gildistaka - 1.8.2007

Íslenskt heiti:

Eurocode 7 – Jarðtæknileg hönnun - Hluti 2: Jarðvegsrannsóknir og prófanir

Enskt heiti:

Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - Part 2: Ground investigation and testing


CEN/TC 250

ICS flokkur:

91.060, 91.120


Umfang (scope):

Eurocode 7 – Jarðtæknileg hönnun - Hluti 2: Jarðvegsrannsóknir og prófanir
Verð 43.526 kr.
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Mynd sem fylgir FprEN 1997-2

FprEN 1997-2

1.1 Scope of FprEN 1997-2 (1) This document provides rules for determining ground properties for the design and verification of geotechnical structures. (2) This document covers requirements and guidance for planning ground investigations, collecting information about ground properties and groundwater conditions, and preparation of the Ground Model. (3) This document covers requirements and guidance for the selection of field investigation and laboratory test methods to obtain derived values of ground properties. (4) This document covers requirements and guidance on the presentation of the results of ground investigation, including derived values of ground properties, in the Ground Investigation Report. 1.2 Assumptions (5) The provisions in FprEN 1997-2 are based on the assumptions given in EN 1990 and FprEN 1997-1. (6) This document is intended to be used in conjunction with FprEN 1997-1, which provides general rules for design and verification of all geotechnical structures.
Verð: 30.715 kr.
Mynd sem fylgir FS ENV 1997-2:1999

FS ENV 1997-2:1999

Eurocode 7: Geotechnical design - Part 2: Design assisted by laboratory testing
Verð: 18.474 kr.
Mynd sem fylgir ÍST EN 1997-2:2007/AC:2010

ÍST EN 1997-2:2007/AC:2010

Eurocode 7 – Jarðtæknileg hönnun Hluti 2: Jarðvegsrannsóknir og prófanir
Verð: kr.
Mynd sem fylgir ÍST EN 1997-2:2007/NA:2010

ÍST EN 1997-2:2007/NA:2010

Þjóðarviðauki við Eurocode 7:Jarðtæknileg hönnun Hluti 2: Jarðvegsrannsóknir og prófanir
Verð: 3.900 kr.