ÍST EN 1856-1:2009


Gildistaka - 15.10.2009

Íslenskt heiti:

Reykháfar - Kröfur til reykháfa úr málmi - Hluti 1: Hlutar í reykháfakerfi

Enskt heiti:

Chimneys - Requirements for metal chimneys - Part 1: System chimney products


CEN/TC 166

ICS flokkur:



Umfang (scope):

Reykháfar - Kröfur til reykháfa úr málmi - Hluti 1: Hlutar í reykháfakerfi
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Mynd sem fylgir ÍST EN 1856-1:2003

ÍST EN 1856-1:2003

Reykháfar - Kröfur til reykháfa úr málmi - 1. hluti: Hlutar í reykháfakerfi
Verð: 10.981 kr.
Mynd sem fylgir prEN 1856-1

prEN 1856-1

This document specifies the characteristics of performance for single and multi-wall system chimneys with rigid metal liners composed of chimney sections, chimney fittings, terminals and supports with nominal diameter up to and including 1 200 mm, used to convey the products of combustion from appliances to the outside atmosphere. This document also specifies characteristics for the air supply ducts of concentric chimneys for room-sealed application, made out of metal or plastic (without fibre stabilization). Additionally, it specifies assessment and verification of constancy of performance (AVCP). NOTE 1 Metal liners and metal connecting flue pipes, not covered, are included in prEN 1856-2:2021. NOTE 2 This document does not apply to structurally independent chimneys.
Verð: 19.009 kr.