ÍST EN 15048-1:2016


Gildistaka - 15.12.2016

Íslenskt heiti:

Óforspenntar boltasamstæður með burðarhlutverk – Hluti 1: Almennar kröfur

Enskt heiti:

Non-preloaded structural bolting assemblies - Part 1: General requirements


CEN/TC 185

ICS flokkur:




Umfang (scope):

This part of this European Standard specifies the general requirements for bolting assemblies for non-preloaded structural bolting. Bolting assemblies in accordance with this European Standard are designed to be used in structural bolting connections for shear and/or tensile loading. The intended use of bolting assemblies in accordance with this European standard is structural metallic works. It applies to bolts (the term used when bolts partially threaded, screws, studs and stud-bolts are considered all together) and nuts made of carbon steel, alloy steel, stainless steel or aluminium or aluminium alloy with the following property classes: - bolts made of carbon steel and alloy steel: 4.6, 4.8, 5.6, 5.8, 6.8, 8.8, 10.9 (in accordance with EN ISO 898 1); - nuts made of carbon steel and alloy steel: 5, 6, 8, 10, 12 (in accordance with EN ISO 898 2); - bolts made of austenitic stainless steel: 50, 70, 80 (in accordance with EN ISO 3506 1); - nuts made of austenitic stainless steel: 50, 70, 80 (in accordance with EN ISO 3506 2); - bolts made of aluminium or aluminium alloy: AL1 to AL6 (in accordance with EN 28839); - nuts made of aluminium or aluminium alloy: AL1 to AL6 (in accordance with EN 28839). This European Standard applies to bolting assemblies with ISO metric coarse pitch thread from sizes M12 to M39 for use in steel structures according to EN 1090 2, and from M5 to M39 for use in aluminium or aluminium alloy structures according to EN 1090 3. The use of thread sizes larger than M39 is not precluded provided all applicable requirements of this standard are met. WARNING — Only bolting assemblies are covered by this harmonized standard: separate bolts or nuts, not tested as part of an assembly lot of bolting assemblies in accordance with EN 15048 2, are not covered by this harmonized standard and cannot be CE marked. NOTE 1 The property classes 4.8, 5.8 and 6.8 may be subjected to limitations of use. NOTE 2 High-strength structural bolting assemblies for preloading which meet the requirements of EN 14399–1 are not within the scope of this European Standard but they are also suitable for use in non-preloaded structural bolting. NOTE 3 Bolts and nuts made of aluminium or aluminium alloys are not designed to be used in steel structures, see EN 1090–2. Bolting assemblies in accordance with this European Standard are not designed to be welded. Railway rail fasteners are not covered by this European Standard.
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Mynd sem fylgir ÍST EN 15048-1:2007

ÍST EN 15048-1:2007

Óforspenntar boltasamstæður með burðarhlutverk – Hluti 1: Almennar kröfur
Verð: 6.882 kr.