ÍST EN 14782:2006


Gildistaka - 31.5.2006

Íslenskt heiti:

Sjálfberandi málmplötur til þak- og veggklæðningar innan- og utanhúss – Vörueiginleikar og kröfur

Enskt heiti:

Self-supporting metal sheet for roofing, external cladding and internal lining - Product specification and requirements


CEN/TC 128

ICS flokkur:

77.140, 77.150, 91.060


Umfang (scope):

Sjálfberandi málmplötur til þak- og veggklæðningar innan- og utanhúss – Vörueiginleikar og kröfur
Verð 12.774 kr.
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Mynd sem fylgir FprEN 14782

FprEN 14782

This European Standard specifies the terminology, requirements and test methods for factory made self-supporting metal sheets and tiles (for non-structural applications) delivered in the form of manufactured pieces for roofing and wall cladding and lining. This standard also covers curved sheets, sheets intended to be used with insulation and membranes, ceiling products (including internal metal sheet) and soffit products and cassettes (see Figure 1). This standard covers self-supporting copper, zinc, steel, aluminium and stainless steel sheet with or without coatings, e.g. metallic, organic, inorganic or multi-layer (see Annex A). A moisture retaining layer intended to reduce the fall of droplets coming from condensation may be present on the reverse side of the product. This standard does not cover products for structural purposes, i.e. it does cover products used in constructions of Class III (according to EN 1993 1 3), it does not cover products used in constructions of Classes I a
Verð: 10.478 kr.