ÍST EN 14374:2004


Gildistaka - 15.4.2005

Íslenskt heiti:

Timburvirki - Límtré (LVL) til nota í byggingum - Kröfur

Enskt heiti:

Timber structures - Structural laminated veneer lumber - Requirements


CEN/TC 124

ICS flokkur:

91.080, 79.080


Umfang (scope):

Timburvirki - Límtré (LVL) til nota í byggingum - Kröfur
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Mynd sem fylgir FprEN  14374

FprEN 14374

This document sets out requirements regarding the performance of characteristics of the following Types of laminated veneer lumber (LVL): - Type 1: LVL for structural applications in buildings and bridges in dry, humid and exterior conditions; - Type 2: Multiple glued LVL for structural applications in buildings and bridges in dry, humid and exterior conditions; - Type 3: LVL for non-structural internal and external applications in construction. This document covers laminated veneer lumber of all Types: - made of at least five veneers having a maximum veneer thickness of 6 mm; - which may comprise veneers made from different species; - solely made of parallel veneers or symmetrically build up with at least two crossband veneers. This document also covers multiple glued LVL (Type 2) which is produced by face gluing several panels according to this standard. This document covers laminated veneer lumber of any Type being either preservative treated or untreated against biological
Verð: 20.200 kr.