ÍST EN 13658-2:2005


Gildistaka - 30.11.2005

Íslenskt heiti:

Bendinet og styrkingar úr málmi - Skilgreiningar, kröfur og prófunaraðferðir - 2. hluti: Gifshúðun utanhúss

Enskt heiti:

Metal lath and beads - Definitions, requirements and test methods - Part 2: External rendering


CEN/TC 241

ICS flokkur:

77.140, 91.100


Umfang (scope):

Bendinet og styrkingar úr málmi - Skilgreiningar, kröfur og prófunaraðferðir - 2. hluti: Gifshúðun utanhúss
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Mynd sem fylgir prEN 13658-2

prEN 13658-2

This European Standard specifies the requirements and test methods of metal lath and beads for external render-ing. This European Standard covers metal lath intended to be used for fixing to structures or solid backgrounds to pro-vide a key to hold the plaster in position. Used in this way it enables fire protecting plastering systems to be pro-vided. This European Standard covers metal beads intended to be used to improve the protection of external angles and also provide features to the external finish of the construction and which can also be used as movement or expan-sion beads. They also contribute to fire protection.
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