ÍST EN 13454-1:2004


Gildistaka - 28.2.2005

Íslenskt heiti:

Bindiefni, samsett bindiefni og verksmiðjuframleiddar blöndur með kalsíumsúlfati til nota í gólfílagnir - 1. hluti: Skilgreiningar og kröfur

Enskt heiti:

Binders, composite binders and factory made mixtures for floor screeds based on calcium sulfate - Part 1: Definitions and requirements


CEN/TC 241

ICS flokkur:

1.040, 91.100


Umfang (scope):

Bindiefni, samsett bindiefni og verksmiðjuframleiddar blöndur með kalsíumsúlfati til nota í gólfílagnir - 1. hluti: Skilgreiningar og kröfur
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Mynd sem fylgir FprEN 13454-1

FprEN 13454-1

This document applies to binders made of calcium sulphate used for the manufacture of floor screeds for interior use in buildings. It also includes requirements for factory made mixtures made of calcium sulphate used for the manufacture of floor screeds which are given in EN 13813. This document does not cover the application of floor screeds. Floor screeds made with products covered by this document can contribute to thermal and sound insulation and fire protection of the floor
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