ISO 14030-4:2021


Gildistaka - 14.9.2021

Enskt heiti:

Environmental performance evaluation — Green debt instruments — Part 4: Verification programme requirements


ISO/TC 207/SC 4

ICS flokkur:

03.060, 13.020.20


Umfang (scope):

This document specifies requirements for verification bodies performing verification of claims of conformity to ISO 14030-1 or ISO 14030-2 and to ISO 14030-3 or a suitable substitute taxonomy. Conformity to the requirements of this document is mandatory for the verification of statements made by green debt issuers, borrowers and lenders that claim that their products conform to the ISO 14030 series. This document specifies requirements for the validation of claims of eligibility made in conformity to ISO 14030-1:2021, 5.4, ISO 14030-2:2021, 6.3, and ISO 14030-2:2021, 7.3. This document also establishes requirements for the optional use of third-party marks of conformity.

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